After our teaching material was released, a lot of universities use it. This course is quite influential in the whole country. Some teachers have contacted us and told us that they are using the resources in their teaching.

Universities that are “below” us are willing to visit and use our resources, but universities at “our level” might not be interested, they might more look to foreign courses, for example. We also consult foreign courses when we construct ours. Some people also come to visit us to learn more about our courses. 


Online resources are for students, and colleagues on other campuses.

Academic affairs office says that the use rates of our course on the national TLCP website  are very high. This is a course that all universities teach, and many university want to develop, so they come to consult our course, many people contact us to get more info.

Used by both students and teachers, probably more by teachers. Lot’s of them contact us, want to build their own courses, learn from us.


I have visited a lot of online classes, because I am involved in evaluation. A few years ago I was evaluating nationally, part of the teaching evaluation committee. We were invited to many campuses to talk, interact, many opportunities for interaction, and we all learnt a lot from each other.

Both other teachers and students are using the resource, more teachers than students though. But it’s also popular among those who are going for the graduate school exam in this field and want to understand the situation in the field better. We also put a lot of news there, excursions or competitions we enter with our students, ideas, pictures.